WARNING: please don't read this unless you too are in a terrible mood and want to join my pity party....
My poor husband always has to hear me vent...maybe I should let out some frustrations here instead...
- went to three stores to find the right size coffee filters - unsuccessful and was late for work
- I hate grocery stores here...better bring a book to read while you wait for hours in line
- I kept a student too late today for coaching (aka tutoring) because I forgot what time it ended...wasted 15 minutes of my planning time
- it's Friday...wanted to leave on time to get home and relax...meeting took way too long than should have and did not go all that well...definitely have some things to work on
- I need to re-do all of my report cards, including comments
- currently on the terrace trying to enjoy a glass of wine...why does our neighbor need to be using a power saw at the same time?!
- I hate avoiding dog poop with every step I take
- the store-bought pasta I made one night for dinner this week had bugs in it. I ate it anyway, Jake was smarter and did not
- I feel like sometimes people think that we're just here on vacation. Yes, we're having fun...seeing new things...experiencing a new culture, but we are LIVING here, not just visiting. We had to find a place to live on our own in a crazy real estate market...we both go to work every day...we wait in lines to pay our bills...we cook, clean, do laundry, and run errands just like everyone else. Yes, we're extremely appreciative of the experience, and for that we have no complaints, but I think we're still allowed to get frustrated at times. Every moment isn't glamorous/exciting/exotic/adventurous... remember, there are many times that I envy your "normal" life back in the States where things are familiar and where you can be near family and friends
- I guess people are always needing to adjust, as life is always in transition
Thank you for letting me get that out. Time for an improved weekend. Cheers!