[NOTE: this post was written on Sunday, November 11th...felt it was appropriate to post it on Thanksgiving]
- found lice in my hair on Tuesday night at 11:30pm...
- went to Farmacity at midnight to buy lice shampoo and comb...
- was up until 4:30am getting them out, cleaning the apartment, and doing laundry (5 loads in a row! ...or were there more?)
- on Wednesday morning, I swept, vacuumed, and mopped the floor...in such a furry that I stubbed my left pinky toe so badly that it maybe broke
- Wednesday evening we took the couch covers (from both couches) up the street to be laundered...hobbling all the way
- finally iced, elevated and splinted that darn little pinky toe and it's feeling better now

- the ants are back in the bathroom (they're not liking their little suicide gel so much anymore...), joining the water flies that we just can't seem to get rid of...
- the laundry machine broke, luckily we got the 5 loads in before it decided to bust...now if the service guy would just get to it...
- used 1TB baking soda instead of powder in the blueberry scones this morning (yes mom, you are right, you live and learn...)
- what is wrong with me?
- do I really need to experience every little illness and annoyance possible in the year 2012!? sprained ankle, colds, UTI, flu, eye infection, lice, not to mention our credit/debit card numbers being stolen....come on BA! I'm learning to like you, please learn to like me too!
- upon reflection of these frequent mini-bumps in the road...I realize that I REALLY need to appreciate when these pesky things AREN'T happening...
- when I can run, fast or slow, just being able to get out there when I'm injury-free!
- when I can breathe perfectly well through my nose
- when I can drink a cup of coffee with a healthy throat, rather than Airborne with a sore one
- when my stomach feels fine and I'm not nauseous (still can't stomach ground beef...)
- when my eyes are clear
- when I can do laundry from the convenience of my own home
- when my head doesn't itch like crazy
- and when I don't feel disgusting due to bug infestation...
- the good, healthy comfortable times are SOOOO much better than the bad, ill, stressful times
- but if it weren't for the discomfort of these bumps, perhaps I wouldn't enjoy the contrast of the good times quite so much
- I'm happy about the Christmas tree and decorations we purchased this weekend

see how sunny it is outside? doesn't quite feel like Christmas with summer weather...
but we'll try our best to make it feel like it |
this little guy can barely hold up its lil' star |
love me some white xmas lights... |
- and I'm happy for having AC during this 80-90 degree week when so many went without due to power outages
- for the break in the heat...being able to enjoy a cooler weekend
- for the technology that allows us to easily replace our bank cards...thank goodness for Skype and online banking
- and for super clean couches
- for the funny movie we saw last night about the history of the vibrator (Hysteria...go see it)
- and for my husband who's willing to stay up until 4am with me to pick through my hair (6 billion times, he says)
- and that he sometimes dresses like a Feauto (it wasn't for Halloween; he really is out golfing today) I seriously came around the corner and thought I saw my brother or something
- and of course, for family and friends, who I love and miss so much
- and how could I forget, for Notre Dame being 10-0...GO IRISH! [now 11-0...please make it 12-0 this weekend ND!!!]
- always lots to be thankful for...