Sa 1.25.14
- on the bucket list before the big move was to do the double decker yellow bus tour of the city
- so we were up bright and early, strapped James in the carrier, picked up some coffee and pastries, got our tickets and boarded the first bus of the day!
early birds! |
- it was a cool, sunny day...which was such a tease since we'll be saying goodbye to BA (and hello to the frozen tundra up north) in less than 3 weeks!
- that's little Jamesito hiding under the blanket napping...he was such a champ today with his crazy parents carting him around the city
- this photo's for you mom:
- dad, do you think you can construct one of these? would make a great little lawn ornament ;)
- the bus took us from our neighborhood, up north to Belgrano, Chinatown, through the center...
- ...then back down south to La Boca...passed the famous bombonera where one of Argentina's best futbol teams plays, Boca Juniors
- James kinda missed a lot of the action...really only waking to eat
a little kicking-on-the-lap action (isn't his little monster onesie great??) |
- we looped around to Puerto Madero where we hopped off for a little bondiola lunch
- this sweet little face didn't last long...during lunch I was feeding James while pigeons peskily pecked around our table...I think James could sense my we quickly fled this location and went somewhere more peaceful to finish up our sandwiches
- then it was back on the bus to complete the loop
- we had planned to hop off the bus to visit some friends, so we stayed on for another half a loop to head over to their place
this pic just makes me laugh...not sure why, but James preferred this hold on our walk |
- we had such a nice afternoon spending time (and eating the most amazing lemon pie accompanied by delicious coffee...thanks guys!) with some friend who had their little son Maxim exactly one week after James was born
- we finally got some (pretty funny and super cute) photos of the two of them together:
first...not so sure, but then warmed up to each other
James saying "Hola...let's be amigos!" (James speaks Spanglish like mami) |
- what funny little guys, huh?
- and here's James charming Cecilia a bit:
- LOVE LOVE all the babies being born in BA!
- sadly, we'll be leaving, but Cecilia, Zdenko and Maxim move back to Sweden the day after we fly out...I have a feeling these two little guys will see each other again someday :)
- later that evening, we were invited to Jake's coworkers place for an Argentine asado...complete with all the cuts of meat grilled to perfection on the traditional Argentine parilla (see parilla to the left of the photo)
L->R Juli (the asador), Tere, Fede, Cedi, Jake (Juli's fiance, not pictured, is Isi...don't you love all the abbreviated nicknames? I do) |
- Jake's coworker, Ceci came...maybe only to meet baby James for the first time :)
- she had a hard time letting him go, but James surely didn't mind!
James' fidgety little arms are always flying...cracks us up!
- sunny sites and fantastic friends...great way to spend one of our last weekends in BA!