- bugs like our apartment...ants, flies, mosquitos, water bugs, spiders, lice, and now weevils (we think) and moths
- Mary discovered weevils in our oats (sorry Mary)
- later on I saw moths flying around in our bag of quinoa
- then I remembered reading this: (you might want to read it too)http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2012/11/16/moths-invaded-our-pantrybugs-like-real-food-too/
- and I said to Jake that it was time to do a full clean out of our pantry (see steps 1-6 in the link above)...
- we proceeded to find a moth larva in a bag of dried chickpeas, but that was it (we're hoping!)
- coincidentally, the oats, quinoa, and chickpeas were all purchased from bulk food bins at a dietetica, health foods store, in our neighborhood...
- not so sure I want to return there, but apparently finding these bugs in food is very common...and they especially like healthy, whole foods...rice, beans, grains, etc...wonderful!
- we've put a lot of our things (after opening their packages and sorting through) in zip lock bags then in the fridge or freezer, or in glass jars with tight seals, then back in our cleaned out pantry
- we also hope to buy some moth traps (mentioned in the link)
- let's see if we can reduce the presence of bugs in 2013!
- ...working on xmas/Patagonia/New Years post...stay tuned! ;)
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