- Thought it might be fun to do a little Baby Q&A today...
- Q: Are you going to find out the gender?
- A: Nope! (gasp! shock! haha) We're going old school and keeping it a surprise!
- Q: What names are you thinking of?
- A: Again, it's a surprise! But we're open to suggestions ;) maybe a Spanish name...?
- Q: What is your due date?
- A: November 19, 2013
- Q: Are you having the baby in Argentina?
- A: Sure are! We're happy with the medical care here.
- Q: Where will you deliver?
- A: Hospital Aleman in Recoleta...a private German hospital about a mile away from our home.
- Q: Does your doctor speak English?
- A: Yes, pretty well. But he encourages me to practice my Spanish with him (eek!). The nurses most likely won't speak English.
- Q: Will your baby have dual citizenship?
- A: Yes, apparently his/her whole life!
- Q: Will you be able to get your baby out of the country?
- A: Yes. (Don't worry Grandma Ruth!) But not before having both its American and Argentine passports in hand! (oh dear...the paperwork!)
- Q: When are you moving back?
- A: No date is set yet, but we're aiming for January/February 2014...this may depend on baby's paperwork.
- Q: Where to next?
- A: Chicago! :)
- Q: How far along are you?
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photo from today's appointment...baby was all curled up and being a bit stubborn... couldn't get a good shot, but this is its head and little hand |
- A: As of today's second ultrasound, 16 weeks, 4 days...baby's between the size of an avocado and an onion. Heartbeat's at 152 beats/minute
- Q: Are you showing yet?
- A: As of about 15 weeks, Jake officially said I have a panzita (little belly)...baby's a-growin' in there!
- Q: Are you still running?
- A: Yes, not a ton, but some training plans for a (casual) September race are in the works! ;) ...just to kind of keep me on track, you know? I'm a fan of goal-setting. Of course I'll only run if I'm feeling good, well-trained, and am approved by my doctor.
- Q: Any cravings?
- A: I was quite nauseous until almost week 12, so I didn't feel like eating or drinking much at all, which is SO NOT NORMAL for me. I think my appetite returned around week 15 when I couldn't stop eating pasta one night...cravings usually include carbs...mostly bread and more salty things. Really not digging salads, but forcing them down...seem to prefer hot, cooked food, which is probably better. What happens is I see a picture of a food or hear someone talking about it, and it either sounds disgusting, or amazing and I want it NOW. This happened with: garlic bread, pad thai, potato chips, mac and cheese, some fruits, cinnamon bears (which I'll have to buy in the States...none here!), and some others I'm forgetting. Not really craving sweets which again is out of character, but probably a good thing! As I've mentioned before, beef doesn't seem to agree with me, sadly. I'm hoping that one changes so I can continue to take advantage of Argentina's delectable bife. Need to drink more water! Drinking less than before for some reason.
- Any other questions? Please comment and let us know!
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