- 20 weeks down, 20 to go!!!
- every day/week/month is such a milestone for us prego-newbies...so please excuse my excitement with each passing week
- speaking of halfway...we're halfway through 2013! boy did that fly....6 months down, 6 to go...until Christmas...until we move home...until we have a little one in tow
- wore my first maternity clothes this past week...and let me tell you...they. are. comfy. ...not sure what I was waiting for (I know I'll be sick of them come week 40, or maybe even 25!)
- what comes along with wearing your maternity clothes? people suddenly noticing you're pregnant...tonight at door duty, almost every parent asked, "Estás embarazada?" Sí!!!
19 weeks 4 days...baby's size? you guessed it...mango |
- sadly not feeling any movement yet...at least nothing that feels more than digestion...everyone says you can definitely tell the difference; well if it's supposed to feel like a "fluttering" or "bubbles" how is that any different from digestion or gas? just saying...
- come on baby! start kicking me already!
- first time a stranger told me what he/she thinks I'm having...LAN airline worker, last week - girl...that following weekend...laundry lady downstairs - boy
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19 weeks 4 days |
- I've also been told twice that my face is looking a bit more...gorda...says the laundry lady (also the lady who first called me out about being pregnant...at 5 weeks! lied straight to her face...completely caught off guard!)...the other time was by an adult student of mine...I told her a nicer way of saying it was "rounder" not fatter or fuller...she also said I had the "pregnancy glow" which I'll take as a compliment I guess
- I gained 5 kilos (~11 pounds) between my last two appointments (~5 weeks time)...to be fair, 12 of those days I was in the States with a hefty appetite, ready to eat, and not restricting myself in anyway with what I wanted to shove into my mouth (nausea = gone; appetite = back IN FULL!)
- since I'm already halfway to the recommended weight gain for pregnant ladies in Argentina, I better slow down a bit...at least I'm halfway in the pregnancy too, but I think baby has a lot of growing left in him/her! (dr. hasn't scolded me yet...phew!)
- I never thought these body changes during pregnancy would bother me too much...I knew I'd be ecstatic just to be pregnant in the first place, and I mean I'm gaining weight for a reason...I'm growing a human being for goodness sakes! but I'm gaining weight nonetheless and my body just isn't the same...(hello back pain post-run!)
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20 weeks |
- hopefully I can stay at a healthy weight for me and baby and not worry too much about the more "motherly" appearance of my "rounder" face and growing tummy/hips/everything!
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20 weeks |
- yesterday I posted about Day 1 of Half Marathon Training
- well today is obviously Day 2...which brought a little disappointment...super slow, hilly 4 miles and a bit painful...round ligament pain? pelvic girdle pain? not sure...but I'm waddling around like a penguin today after the morning workout
- pregnant runners, I'm taking any and all suggestions! might be a long 10 weeks!
- my 7th grade students have been a bit funny about the pregnancy since sharing the news...saying/doing things like:
- do you know you can't lift heavy things now?
- is that ring (pointing to my SMC ring) the ring you wear instead of your wedding ring while you're pregnant?
- you should name your baby Pedro Filiberto (now their nickname for the babe)
- touching my stomach daily...starting at week 13
- eating their tuna sandwich quickly because the smell makes me nauseous
- ...and a special little gem from today: look at you now! imagine at 9 months! you're going to be "re-vaca"! (how they say my name, Rebecca) translation: very cow
- [about today's outfit..the one below] you wear tight clothes even though you're fat
- they're funny
la panza @ 20 weeks! |
- had a 19 week doctor's appointment last week...a follow-up from our 16 week ultrasound
- dr. said everything looked good/normal...heard the heartbeat...sounds strong :)
- was instructed to get two vaccinations: flu and tetanus
- dr. said to go to a pharmacy...but after visiting 5 pharmacies and 3 hospitals, I finally got these two vaccinations...one at private hospital Trinidad (paid for tetanus) and the other at public hospital Fernandez (flu shot was free)
- also instructed by dr. to schedule my next sonogram...the ecoscan fetal
- after discovering that this scan was not covered by our insurance (everything else has been 100%, thus far) because I'm under the age of 32, I began to worry a bit
- why does he want/need to do such a detailed sonogram?
- but after emailing the dr. (I'm a paranoid first-time-foreigner-future-mama), he ensured me that it's a routine procedure
- anyone else get this done? or know the exact term for it in English?
- I'll get the scan in a few weeks and see him again shortly after for our monthly appointment
- hopefully we'll receive good results and a better picture of our little one (now a banana in length :) ~6.5 inches)
- wanted to wrap up with a little reflection on how amazing this whole pregnancy thing really is...I know that women around the world are getting pregnant, walking around pregnant, and giving birth every second of the day...but how amazing is creation, really?!
ReplyDeleteYou're looking fabulous! I truly didn't feel any movement from Everest until about 6 months-ish. He also was frank breech the entire pregnancy, so the movement I did feel was pretty much strictly hiccups. The being breech part is another story for another day. Overall, we had monthly ultrasounds because our insurance covered it and Everest continually measured small. He was born via C-section at 37 weeks due to being breech and tiny. Turns out he was 6lbs. 5 oz!
Take a deep breath and try and enjoy simply being pregnant. As a veteran parent just told me last week: The days are long, but the year's are fast. Everest turns one on Tuesday!