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24 weeks, 3 days...size of a cantaloupe (and new boots!) |
- so...a month has passed since we began training for our 15k and half marathon
- the 15k is at 8am this Sunday, August 4th
- I haven't run since July 21st...that was 12 days ago
- my longest run had been 6 miles up to that point
these guys sadly haven't seen much action in a while... :( |
- I only briefly mentioned how I've been feeling in a previous post
- after doing some reading and asking around, it seemed as though I was on the road to either Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction (my favorite tip in this link is the many steps of how to turn over in bed...good grief!) or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (favorite in this link: "avoid stairs if possible"...our elevator's been out since yesterday...we live on the 8th floor...haha)...or both
- some of what I read online (I know, I really gotta stop Googling things) said that in extreme cases of these dysfunctions, some pregnant ladies end up using a walker or wheelchair near the end of their pregnancy! which I obviously don't want...but I will say, one day when walking from one school to the next, I passed an elderly woman walking down the sidewalk with a walker, and I was jealous of her walker due to the amount of pain I was in...(can I borrow that real quick?)
- so after my running breakdown in Rio, as well as going back and forth on the difference between pain and discomfort, I concluded that rest would put me in the best position to at least walk/jog this 15k, so I stopped running
- and I continued yoga once a week, joined a pool and have started swimming, and looked up good exercises for pregnant ladies with these problems on YouTube for some home workouts...
- I wish I could bike...I really miss my bike, and can't believe I haven't bought one down here yet
- still icing and putting heat packs on daily
- I try to sit when teaching as much as possible
- I bought (overpriced) epsom salts from the organic market...(I miss Target! ...still looking in pharmacies here but was told to check the dieteticas...ideas?) and have done some soaks...not sure how much my joints are benefitting, but at the very least, baths are relaxing
- I wear my belly support belt sometimes...mostly just when walking a lot or working out
- are you thinking OVERKILL?! ya, me too...but I really want to run...and feel better, so I'm trying everything
- I saw my doctor on Tuesday and he didn't seem surprised or at all concerned about the pain I've been having...which was good and bad...although I'm glad it's nothing SO serious, I don't consider myself TOO wimpy...I can be tough...I can handle pain, but I mean, it really hurts...to even just walk! I was hoping he'd offer something more...
- he gave a big thumbs up to swimming, and wearing the belt, and I'll see him in 2 weeks to track progress...he also gave the ok for acupuncture
- I have my first ever acupuncture appointment this Thursday...I'm a little nervous, but mostly curious and excited...I'm really hopeful that this will help! (look forward to blogging about that experience)
- the pain has improved some these past couple weeks...and I plan to do a trial 2 miler tomorrow morning to gage where I'm at
- I picked up our race packets this morning...I really want to run
- going to those packet pick-ups just gets you so darn excited! seeing fellow-runners, race maps, goodie bags, the shirt, your chip....ugh! I really hope I can make it
the little pack in the top left corner are similar to chocolate frosted flakes...breakfast of champions |
- one good thing is that a 5k is also going on that day...which runs a shorter version of the same route...so we could always make a little last minute detour if necessary
top map-15k, bottom map-5k...which will it be? |
- looking back at my Labor Training post makes me so sad...I was so positive and hopeful...I imagined things much differently...but little did I know...
- this has been a BIG reminder for me that things don't always go as planned...a lesson I better get used to as I begin this journey of motherhood
- please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this weekend...will let you know how things turn out!
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