An Iowan and Wisconsinite found themselves in Buenos Aires, Argentina for two years.
He did some commercial insurance brokering, she did some English teaching, then they moved back to Chicago with a baby porteño.
Here's their little story...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Sa 9.28.13...kinda forgot to post this a few weeks ago (baby brain)
  • so...maybe we started "nesting" a bit early...somewhere around the 32/33 week mark
  • it just felt good to have some of those little things in the clothes and blankets, washed and folded
aftermath of unpacking the suitcase from the States
  • and the crib (borrowed from a work friend - thanks Marina!)
  • and the changing table (donated to us by a student's mother - thanks Parvati!) 

  • and practicing with the moby wrap
I had Jake practice with it too...that's a towel in place of a newborn..hehe
  • and setting up the "nursery" aka our bedroom
  • and sterilizing the bottles/pump parts

  • and buying diapers and wipes
Isn't that the cutest/funniest bib?  Thanks Lauren!
  • feeling a bit more ready for ya baby! wonder when you'll be joining us...? :)
32 weeks, 6 days
  • we're so fortunate to know kind, generous people here willing to help us out for the 3 months our baby will be living in BA...we didn't want to buy a lot of things here to bring back, and also didn't want to haul items back and forth from the US, so luckily, we've been able to borrow things like the crib, a baby bath, sheets (thanks Alex!), a stroller and carseat, pack-n-play (thanks Gloria!) etc. 
  • thank you to everyone who has been so kind and helpful
  • and thanks mom for bringing the rest (she's even willing to sacrifice packing clothes for her trip to bring me unnecessary non-baby items like peanut butter and whole wheat tortilla shells...such a great mama!)

Sunday, October 20, 2013


  • today is mother's day in Argentina
Jake brought some goodies back from his run this morning...
and also selected a few "mommy quotes" to share :)
  • in honor of this day, I thought I'd post an article that was floating around mommy groups on Facebook a month or two ago
really gotta lean over to see those piggies!...p.s. HELLO swollen feet/ankles!
  • it's entitled, "MOMS, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN?"
  • the article is written by a mother who basically points out that no mom is super mom...and that moms should be easier on themselves...give themselves more credit, etc. etc.
an 8 month belly bump...35 weeks, 4 days
  • I'm not even a mom yet, but I can already's so hard not to play the comparison game, and think that what you're doing is not good enough...and that some moms seem to be able to "do it all"...the grass is always greener, right?
  • here's one of my favorite parts from the article:
You want to be a crunchy organic vegan mama championing the fight against GMOs?  Do it.  You want to be the ballsy CEO of an empire so you can hire the best nanny money can buy?  Step right ahead.  You want to feed them takeout every night and spend that time playing with your kids?  Go for it.  You want to wear full makeup and heels on that field trip to the apple orchard?  More power to you sister.   You want to put those kids to bed at 7 pm every night and have some time to yourself?   Rock on.

Just be a good parent, love your kids, and do the best that you can.
  • she makes a good point...remember your talents and interests, be the best mom you know how to be, and love your kids...simple as that...right? :)
  • are you a mom? feeling guilty? give this article a read...I hope it makes you feel better ;)
  • a fitting quote selected from Jake's note (above): 
"There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one." -Jill Churchill
  • Feliz Día Mamas!

p.s....ONE month to go!!! AH!?!?!?

My Birthday Month

  • so...I really don't feel like I'm one to brag, husband's pretty great
  • I mean...he really celebrated my birthday MONTH!
  • I joke about this all the time...that October is my birthday favorite month of the year, and really I feel like celebrating the whole month
  • but I didn't expect Jake to ever take it upon himself to plan something every day for the entire month
  • that's why he's so great
  • so here's a quick daily breakdown of all the fun little surprises: 
Tu 10.1.13
30 songs for 30 years
*one song chosen from Billboard's Hot 100, each year from 1983-2013...starting with Billie Jean by Michael Jackson, ending with Thrift Shop by Macklemore...was so fun to be taken through 30 years of music history!

W 10.2.13
bright gel pens for staying organizada 

Th 10.3.13
dinner + Frank Sinatra


F 10.4.13
fire + smores on patio y una nota de mis suegros

Sa 10.5.13
the best meal of my life

the aftermath...he even helped me clean up a bit, even though he cooked

Su 10.6.13
a book

M 10.7.13
a massage by Jake

Tu 10.8.13
Saved by the Bell!
*again, bringing me back to my youth

gift to myself...thanks NailMe BAires!
W 10.9.13
breakfast in bed y cartas de mis amigas...

...weekend plans to Tigre... from Lauren...

...solo lunch at Quimera del Arte...

...birthday dinner w/ the husband in between childbirth classes...
 ...birthday song from the kiddos...

cake from Blas Parera...remember me mentioning wanting to try cakes like this here
...scrapbook of pictures/memories from family and friends compiled by Jake...

friends, family...THANK YOU...this was truly special..really made me tear up
...loved the photos, memories, and kind words
Th 10.10.13
sketch pad and oil pastels 
apparently, I wasn't supposed to find this one...he wanted to give it to me later...oops!

F 10.11.13
bread warmer

Sa 10.12.13

Su 10.13.13
picture frame

M 10.14.13
chocolate covered coffee beans

Tu 10.15.13
Mamarracho activity book by Liniers

*the idea behind this activity book....not only do we enjoy this Argentine artist's comics/drawings, but Jake thought the book would be a fun to do with our kids someday...I agree

W 10.16.13
Things Becky can be proud of...

*Jake asked friends/family to share what I can be proud of...some were funny, all were sweet, and very touching...THANK YOU!

Th 10.17.13

guitar ice cube tray

F 10.18.13
package from Anna & Matt

Sa 10.19.13
card from Meg O

Su 10.20.13
Día de la Madre flowers, heart-shaped cookie, and list of quotes about moms

M 10.21.13
Mafalda notebook

Tu 10.22.13
30+ words we use to describe Becky...
*Jake asked friends/family to provide words used to describe me...again, thank you...although some words I think may be a little too're all too sweet, really

W 10.23.13
Maria Elena Walsh CD
*she's a well-known children's singer/songwriter/author/artist from Argentina...basically our babe will love learning Spanish with these songs :)

Th 10.24.13

F 10.25.13
movie and ice cream
*Jake did some research on popular movies from the late 80's, early 90's and created a list of movies for me to choose from...some were favorites like Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion (thanks Meg), and others were classics like The Sandlot and Labyrinth...but I went with The Brave Little Toaster...ever seen it?

Sa 10.26.13
picnic in the park

Su 10.27.13
medialunas & a mocha
can you spot the bump?  *hint: it's dressed in light yellow
36 weeks, 5 days

M 10.28.13
BONUS 30' massage!

Tu 10.29.13
  • magazine covers from October, 1983
  • Argentine newspaper headlines 
  • 1983 Most Popular TV Shows (#1 Dallas)
  • 1983 Popular Baby Names (#1 boy Michael, girl Jennifer)
  • NY Times headlines for Sunday, October 9, 1983
  • 30 Things Turning 30 This Year (this was maybe my favorite and super should click on the link...I mean Microsoft Word AND the minivan? 1983 was a GREAT year!)

W 10.30.13
framed photo of what we have to look forward to in the next couple weeks!

30 days of celebration for 30 years

  • a whole lot of lovin' went into this month...and by lovin' I mean serious planning:
  • Jake kindly let me take photos of his notes for this project
  • some of you may be aware of Jake's note-taking me, it's a jumbled mess, but to him, it all makes sense and it's how he organizes himself...another reason I love him
  • thank you again to everyone, near and far, who helped make this 30th birthday special
  • THANK YOU're the best...I love you!