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37 weeks 4 days |
- here we are at 37 weeks pregnant, which some refer to as "full term"
- I haven't given much of an update in terms of "stats" lately, so I thought I'd give a quick round-up of appointments from these weeks
- last week I had my last set of "análisis"/tests done: ya know, blood, urine, toxoplasmosis, HIV, GBS, etc.
- everything looks good except for that darn GBS aka Group B Strep...my OB told me not to worry (haha) and that he'd give me an antibiotic during labor...apparently this thing is pretty common (so if you're a pregnant lady who tested positive as well, send me a note...we can talk)
- HAPPY HALLOWEEN! to all you up north
look who I got to Skype with!? the runner, business woman, and cowgirl...I mean...that cowgirl!
(p.s. when did they get so big?!)
- today I had a general check-up with my OB...will have them every Thursday from here on out!
- he did the usual...looked at results of previous tests..no concerns, measured belly, listened to heartbeat, answered my questions and I was outta there
Sa 11.2.13
- today we had most likely our last ecografía (just a normal one this time...no fancy 4-D business)
- the technician told us everything looked good - head is still down, amniotic fluid and placenta look good, heart's tickin' at a good rate, and baby is about 3.1 kilos! that's about 6.8 pounds...we got a big one in there!
- here are some stats for you:
presentación: cefálica
dorso: izquierdo
líquido amniótico: normal
dorso: izquierdo
líquido amniótico: normal
placenta: anterior, no previa grado: II
latidos cardiacos: positivos
movimientos fetales: presentes
peso estimativo: 3100 gramos +/- 15% (6lb 13oz!)
latidos cardiacos: positivos
movimientos fetales: presentes
peso estimativo: 3100 gramos +/- 15% (6lb 13oz!)
measurement ~ weeks
- diámetro biparietal: 87mm - 35.6 semanas +/- 3-4 semanas
- circunferencia cefálica: 323mm - 37.3 semanas
- circunferencia abdominal: 337mm - 38.1 semanas
- fémur: 72mm - 37.1 semanas
Tu 11.5.13
- ok, by now we're at 38 weeks...38!!!
- apparently the size of a pumpkin
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hard to find traditional orange pumpkins here, so we'll just go with a fun pose...@ 38 weeks 4 days |
- a few last thoughts before posting today...
- so this "maternity leave" definitely has not left me without work...between institutes and private classes, along with the ginormous checklist I created for myself, I've kept quite busy
- however, I've made this week my official last week of work (unless I give one extra little class to a student who's trying to cram for an exam...oops) but otherwise, DONE! next week I'll have completely open, then my mom arrives Friday the 15th! YAHOO!
- I've been having little chats with the baby lately, asking for it to please hang tight until Grandma arrives...let's see if he/she listens
- I do checklists...
- every week I have an ongoing list, and a separate weekend list...brings me back to our wedding, and the humongous list I had for that...it's just how I get things done
- the thing with this list is that I don't have a set date/time deadline like I did for the wedding...so if the baby decides to come before everything's checked...so be it (hard for me to accept sometimes...if I don't do it now, it may not get done!)
- I've been trying to channel my inner-runner in preparation for labor...you know, pump myself up for the pain that I know I'm about to endure...a little toughness training to help me push through...ya know
- I'm really liking me + bump lately...it's just so handy to have the baby in there..I don't mind carrying it around the city...keeps me company...it's a little hands-free buddy (for now) and I'm trying to enjoy that...especially when it's going to be me + baby #1 + bump someday...now that'll be quite different, right?
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