Th 11.21.13
- first night home: asleep by 1am, up to eat at 5am...not bad boy!
- toes pokin' out
- two firsts in one - first outing and first visit to his pediatrician!
- Dra. Adriana gives a thumbs up, even though James didn't so much like stripping down or being weighed (p.s. we had our first pee-without-a-diaper-on experience 10 minutes before this in the waiting room while changing his diaper)
- the beginnings of a good swaddle
- wide-eyed at bedtime
- James' first little crib, borrowed from a friend
F 11.22.13
- mom
and dadcouldn't wait to see Catching Fire, and of course Grandma couldn't wait to babysit - his first babysitter!
- this is James saying, "Sure mom and dad! Go see a movie...enjoy yourselves...I'll stay home and chill with Grandma!"
kinda... |
- according to my mom, he did just fine...didn't even need the 2 ounces of pumped milk while we were out, so when we got home, Jake got to feed it to him - his first bottle!
- one of our favorite things about James...his super funny faces
- his wet noodle body positions are pretty funny too
- sorry...just can't help myself
Sa 11.23.13
- James reaching for my camera string
- and for daddy's giant finger
- brunch on the terrace
- first bath...not such a fan
- first game day...GO IRISH! GO BADGERS!
- first visitors at home
- James says THANK YOU for the beautiful flowers, card, and yummy ice cream
- a few attempts at a family game-day shot
can you spot the flying chupete in the photo on the right?
- James foot vs. Papi foot
Su 11.24.13
- first time in his carrier
- ...and on the bus
- failed attempt to get churros and hot chocolate led us to ice cream instead
M 11.25.13
- more faces...
- chilly morning let us try out the hat made by Great Grandma Ruth
- getting Grandma some medialunas
- Grandma's secret swaddle...on his side with his head covered
W 11.27.13
- first of many tramites (appointments)...this one to get his official birth certificate
- a swift tramite gives us time to re-try the churro/hot chocolate idea...yesss....(James may or may not also be eating under that blanket)
- first subway ride
- first sink bath...appears to like it no better than his tub
Th 11.28.13
- Happy Thanksgiving to those from the US!
- baby photo shoot (photos coming soon)
- muchas gracias Mechi! we really enjoyed the photo did a beautiful job, especially with an infant who just didn't want to nap (at least until we got home...then he slept all afternoon)
- which gave us time to prepare for our feast - YUM!
F 11.29.13
Sa 11.30.13
Su 12.1.13
M 12.2.13
Tu 12.3.13
W 12.4.13
Th 12.5.13
Sa 12.7.13
Su 12.8.13
M 12.9.13
Th 12.12.13
F 12.13.13
Sa 12.14.13
Su 12.15.13
M 12.16.13
Tu 12.17.13
M 12.18.13
- tramite II: pick up birth certificate and apply for DNI and passport
- getting his fingerprints done...what a champ!
- playing hide-and-seek
- after James projectile pooped on his little friends that were unfortunately in his line of fire on his changing table, they hung out outside to dry after a ride in the washing machine...don't they look cute?
Sa 11.30.13
- James likes looking out the window
- lunch outing at Guido's
- lil' guy kinda doesn't fit in his carseat so well
Su 12.1.13
- giraffe feet!
- sleepy parents...
M 12.2.13
- brunch date at Le Pain Quotedien
- after brunch we walked to the big Carrefour at Paseo Alcorta...where James almost made it through without needing to eat...but then I found myself nursing him while walking the aisles...I'm so glad breastfeeding in public is no big deal here!
- the next series of photos is mine and my mom's attempt to get a good US passport photo of James...we had a real good laugh...James did not
- here's the winner (believe it or not...this one worked best out of 21 photos)
Tu 12.3.13
- tramite III - US embassy to apply for US passport and report his birth abroad
- James the observer...looking out the window
- mom and grandma's attempt at springerle cookies
W 12.4.13
- onesie gift from a coworker of Jake's - perfect little muscle shirt for the heat
- tummy time with grandma
- nap time too
- guarding his chupete (pacifier)
Th 12.5.13
- mom's last day...gotta soak up some sun!
- we frosted some of the un-frosted sugar cookies that my mom brought...can you believe they stayed intact so well in her carry-on?
- check out them feet
- we won't talk about Grandma's farewell...let's just say it was super sad and not easy...we miss her
F 12.6.13
- first day without Grandma...feeling sad
Sa 12.7.13
- our sad attempt at an artsy photo...newspaper from the day James was born
- still warming up to bathtime
- but hey! was able to chill a little bit at least!
Su 12.8.13
- this is what I saw when walking in the room...yes our son is under all that
- Jake covered him with a table cloth, his blanket, and a onesie on his head...hey, whatever works!
M 12.9.13
- is that an eyebrow raise I see?
like father, like son |
Tu 12.10.13
- hey, hey, hey! look what came in the mail!
- spot the difference? James' does NOT say EXTRANJERO across the top...our son is officially cooler than us
W 12.11.13
- hey! more good news!
- what a handsome photo! ;)
F 12.13.13
- a miracle! the last of his documents!
was great coming home to this! |
- well look at you Mr. James...dual-citizenship
- officially able to travel internationally!
Sa 12.14.13
- this is how James feels about the heat...and his parents strolling him miles and miles to buy coffee and check out Full City's new location (sorry buddy)
- my long and lean boys stretching out and cooling off
Su 12.15.13
M 12.16.13
- a favorite of James' - stretching out on his changing table
Tu 12.17.13
- he also enjoys crossing his legs while eating
M 12.18.13
- 1 month today!
- another eyebrow shot:
- salute to where he was born (thanks Lo!)
- a boy and his favorite toys
- this next montage cracks me up >>>
- semi-calm:
- hysterical cry (you can almost hear it!):
- passed out:
- ...and always lots of hand movements
- it's been a super busy, but great month Jamesito...can't wait for many, many more
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